"When business owners are thinking about selling or merging, it's essential they take independent specialist advice at the very earliest stage", says Shield's David Young. |
The managers of a world class access control company have secured all the equity in an MBO from Upperpoint Manufacturing, with Shield's advice. |
Two businessmen, who started their IT company in a garage after leaving college in the late 80s, this week sold their 70-strong business to a national accountancy software group at a premium, with help from Shield. |
In this course, highly experienced Mergers & Acquisitions negotiator, Dr David Young, provides a constructive framework for thinking about, preparing for and participating in negotiations, across the spectrum of commercial, organisational and political issues. |
Once again, Shield has underlined its commitment to the industry with its sponsorship of The Private Equity Awards - a major event in the British Venture Capital Association calendar. |
FDs need to be more aware of how corporate finance advice can be skewed by an advisory firm's other interests, says Dr. David Young, veteran of several big investment banks and founder of Shield. |
Dr. David Young, Shield's Chief Executive, presents Euromoney's Negotiation Masterclass, a specialised 3 day training programme for senior executives, venture capitalists and investment bankers.
Shield, the corporate finance house, today announces that it has been retained by a leading UK house builder - its third new client of 2003. Shield has already acted this year for clients in the financial services and media sectors, following assignments last year in healthcare and textiles. |
London based M&A boutique, Shield, has linked up with Softbank Investment Corporation in Japan and Tianyi Securities in China to cross-refer clients in their respective markets.